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Cats from Phuket {Thailand} | cat pet world

cats of phuket

During a visit of Phuket in Thailand, you will doubtlessly see many cats and dogs on the roads, in store fronts, and near the temples. While a large number of these pets have owners, plenty of others are left to fend for themselves.

These communal cats got abandoned once they've outgrown their cute kitten stage or are the result of allowing cats to breed unchecked. Despite their hardships, the majority of communal cats and dogs are very friendly.

phuket cemetery cat

Many tourists want to help the communal cats by feeding them. However, doing so in the proximity of hotels and restaurants can have unfavorable consequences for these animals because they are seen as a nuisance and are believed to negatively impact customer satisfaction.

sad kitty
phuket cats

Yet there are many more ways in which you can help.

If you come across a sick or injured pet in Phuket, you can call Soi Dog Foundation for assistance (081/788.4222), as they'll be happy to bring them to a vet and nurse them back to health.

You're also welcome to visit their facility in Phuket. During the guided tours that take place four times a day, a guide will show you around the cat and dog hospitals, introduce you to the more than 700 (!) animals that are being rehabilitated, and tell you about the history of the Soi Dog Foundation and how they are fighting the dog meat trade in Asia. You can find out more about them and their guided tours here.

Cat photos by Catherine Lawrence

Have you ever visited Phuket, Thailand? How did you help the communal cats and dogs?

phuket cat

the cat rescue diaries

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