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November 2019

Cats of San Juan {Puerto Rico} | cat pet world

"I’m a sucker for animals. Especially soft and fluffy ones," says photographer Emily Wang . "While wandering the colorful streets…

Cats from Tokyo {Japan} | cat pet world

In the middle of a new residential district in Tokyo , you'll find an abandoned house with dense vegetation coming from the garden and a rus…

Cats from Venice {Italy} | cat pet world

This is a guest post by Marianna Zampieri from Cats in Venice You've probably heard of the Library of High Water or Acqua Alta Libreri…

Cat from San Salvador {El Salvador} | cat pet world

Most cats are homebodies. Cezar, however, is an adventure cat. This Maine Coon from Sweden has currently more than 14 countries on his travel…

Cat from Paris {France} | cat pet world

Rumor has it each time Woody Allen visits Paris , he books a room in his favorite hotel: Le Bristol . He even shot Midnight in Paris there. …

Cats from Paris {France} | cat pet world

Hundreds of cats hang out in the huge Montmartre Cemetery where they prowl among the graves and sit on the headstones of famous former Parisi…
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