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Cats of Kotor {Montenegro} | cat pet world

kotor cats

The photo above was snapped near an old fort high above Kotor, Montenegro, where a cat was enjoying the last heat from the rocks as the clouds moved in.

Tourists often call this coastal town the "city of cats." But despite the sun and scenic beauty, life is not that good for the animals of Montenegro. It's still a developing nation - formed in 2006 after the break-up of former Yugoslavia - and is dealing with quite a few economic struggles.

Because of these problems, there's no official spay-neuter program for animals; there are no shelters. Most of the cats are unwanted and thus uncared for.

montenegro stray cats

In June 2018, the organization Kotor Kitties started addressing these unmet needs. Their mission is to improve the health of Montenegro's street cats and to reduce their number through spaying and neutering.

kotor street cats

Kotor Kitties reached out to the locals who feed the large colonies of community cats and works with a private veterinarian who was kind enough to reduce his fees.

montenegro cats

You can help pay for the spaying and neutering of the cats of Montenegro through the GoFundMe page Kittens are Cute, But Neuter is Cuter. Kotor Kitties currently have over 150 cats waiting to be sterilized, so all help is welcome. On their Facebook page, you'll find pictures of each cat immediately after surgery.

Kotor Kitties also faces roughly $1,000 in fees to incorporate as a non-profit charity in the USA, to secure a business license, and to apply for official NGO status in Montenegro.

If you're in Montenegro and find a sick, injured, or dying cat, you may contact Kotor Kitties, so that they can connect you with caretakers and veterinarians.

Please share this post to help spread awareness about the street cats of Montenegro.

montenegro street cats

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